About SCRI

Our Mission: Survive cancer

Cancer research, health and society

Currently 45% of all men and 38% of all women in Europe suffer from cancer. Cancer is among all disease groups the one leading to the highest cumulated premature shortening of the life span within the society. Before 2020, cancer will be the most frequent cause of death. The diversity of the molecular, genetical and immunological modifications within a high number of various malignant diseases doesn’t allow an easy access to the development of new treatment strategies. Rather intensive and goal-oriented fundamental scientific and clinical research is required. Indeed massive investments in Research and Development have led to an unprecedented progress in the therapeutic management of malignant diseases.

Best regards,

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Richard Greil

CV and details of Univ. Prof. Dr. Richard Greil

Your mission:
Support the research against cancer

The diagnosis of cancer can affect each of us, either personally or in the private surroundings.

Our aim in the fight against cancer is to support the development of new medicines, which
pave the way for treatments and regimes free of cytostatic agents and to a better life for
patients with cancer.

Support the cancer research and help us providing patients suffering from cancer the hope
of a better life!

Frau Andrea Stempfer
E-Mail: a.stempfer@salk.at

Frau Sandra Klinger, BA
E-Mail: s.klinger@salk.at

Our facilities


Support our initiative to fight cancer! 


With your donation you make an important contribution to cancer research at the Salzburg Cancer Research Institute (SCRI) at the University Hospital Salzburg,

Impact Factor

The evaluation of scientific achievements can be made with various parameters. The most frequently used assessment factor worldwide identifies the quantity of studies and research projects, which are stated within scientific publications. The impact factor is used for allocating funds to research projects, or comprise universities. It is also used for the target-agreement of the Austrian universities with the Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, or for the application to chair title of universities as well as award ceremonies. The graphic shows the research output of the Department of Internal Medicine III of the Salzburg Federal Hospital/Paracelsus Medical University from one calendar year, compared to the 60 institutions and clinics of the Salzburg Federal Hospital/Paracelsus Medical University. The circles are corresponding to the cumulated points of each clinic from 0 to 291.3; the Department of Internal Medicine III is shown at the top of the red diagram.

The Department of Internal Medicine III is the top research institution of the Salzburg Federal Hospital/Paracelsus Medical University.

Scientific achievements measured with the impact factor:

Research assessments

Research assessment by the FWF in 2008

“The referees were highly impressed with LIMCR’s development over the three years of its existence.”

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Research assessment by the Scientific Advisory Board in 2012/2013

“We consider the LIMCR to belong to these excellent institutions.”

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International comparison

The activities of the SCRI are established in the international top league of cancer research and fulfill the quality and ranking criteria of the most renowned cancer research centers in the USA.

The patients of the Department of Internal Medicine III of the Salzburg Federal Hospital/Paracelsus Medical University can expect a state-of-the-art care with the most advanced scientific knowledge.

Worldwide cooperations

The aim of our cancer research within the LIMCR, CCCIT, the Stem Cell Laboratory and the Laboratory of Molecular Cytology of the Department of Internal Medicine III at the Salzburg Federal Hospital/Paracelsus Medical University as well as the AGMT is to achieve the closest alliance between fundamental and clinical research for the benefit of the patients.

Maximized synergies are enabled within our facilities as well as thanks to a close cooperation with internationally renowned clinical trial and research centers.

Worldwide Research cooperations

Worldwide Study cooperations

Do you have a request or any questions?

Feel free to contact us – we will get back back to you as soon as possible.